Pensacola Interstate Fair Rides! Fair Food! Fall Weather!!

Media Contact:
Katie King
EW Bullock Associates

Pensacola Interstate Fair
Rides! Fair Food! Fall Weather!!
Everyone in the Pensacola area looks forward to the Pensacola Interstate Fair, not only for the rides and the food, but because it almost always brings the fall weather.
And, we’re ALL ready for that!
But did you know what an enormous impact the Pensacola Interstate Fair has in our community? Consider these facts:

• The Fair attracts approximately 300,000 attendees each year.

• The Pensacola Interstate Fair is a non-profit corporation run by a board of directors representing all walks of life and residential areas of Pensacola.

• The amusement portion of the Fair brings more than 1,000 people who stay in Pensacola for two weeks or longer. This influx of long-stay visitors provides a healthy boost to the Escambia County tourism economy.

• The Pensacola Interstate Fair generates more than 300 jobs per year for our local economy.

• The Pensacola Interstate Fair gives $30,000 each year in scholarships to local students and since 1983 has given over $1,015,000 to more than 1,076 students to further their education.

• Every year the Pensacola Interstate Fair generates over $8 million dollars of consumer spending in the local economy.

• 80% of the Fair’s budget is spent and stays in the local economy.

So, when you’re walking the midway, giant turkey leg in hand, remember that you’re part of this incredible economic machine.

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