09 Nov Naval Aviation Museum Foundation Selected as Fall 2021 Direct Effect® Innovation Challenge Client
by Katie King |Katie@ewbullock.com
Naval Aviation Museum Foundation Selected as Fall 2021 Direct Effect® Innovation Challenge Client
The Direct Effect Innovation Challenge is an event powered by the United States Postal Service
Pensacola, Fla. (Nov. 9, 2021) – The Naval Aviation Museum Foundation recently was selected to participate in the 2021 Direct Effect® Innovation Challenge, a national collegiate marketing competition.
Direct Effect® Innovation Challenges were developed by the United States Postal Service® and its partners in academia and industry. The Direct Effect® Innovation Challenge brings together teams of college students to design and develop integrated marketing campaigns that link digital and traditional marketing to address a real-life business case.
Students received a brief from the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation during a virtual “Meet the Client” Zoom session on Friday, Oct. 29. Foundation leadership shared their vision to modernize the National Naval Aviation Museum and a desire to reach a larger, younger audience.
Students can enter the challenge by submitting a one-page marketing concept now through Wednesday, Dec. 1. The one-page marketing concepts should include a description of how their concept will broaden the Museum’s appeal and reach to increase paid Museum membership.
“We’re excited to see how the students utilize new technology paired with traditional mail to better tell the story of Naval Aviation,” said retired Rear Adm. Kyle Cozad, President and CEO of the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation. “We’re thankful to be a part of the collaborative effort between the Postal Service and college students across the U.S.”
This two-round competition is a chance for students to gain real-world experience, build their portfolio and network with employers. The first round, due December 1, is open to all students.
Those selected to move on to the final round will conceptualize a full, multichannel integrated marketing campaign that they will present via video to Museum executives in early 2022.
The Naval Aviation Museum Foundation will evaluate entries and select a winning campaign in March 2022. Faculty and college students can register for the Innovation Challenge and learn more by visiting, https://www.directeffectinnovation.com/challenge2021.
Media Note: For more information about the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation, contact Malerie Cates at (850) 585-2770 or mcates@navalaviationmuseum.org.
About the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation
The Naval Aviation Museum Foundation is the nonprofit, 501(c)(3), sole benefactor to the National Naval Aviation Museum—and the fuel that allows the museum to take flight. The Foundation is responsible for funding all museum operation, expansion and activity. The Foundation works diligently to raise funding through gifts and memberships. All funding, aside from Foundation staffing and operational costs, goes to the operation, maintenance and enhancement of the museum, including museum expansion, aircraft preservation, conservation and maintenance, development of new exhibits and support of day to day functions—including custodial services, marketing, operation of the Museum’s various attractions (such as our Naval Aviation Memorial Giant Screen Theater, flight simulators, Blue Angels 4D Experience and Flight Deck gift shop), as well as the production of major events at the Museum. The Foundation also supports the advancement of STEM education through the National Flight Academy, a cutting edge, aviation-themed learning experience.
About Direct Effect® Innovation Challenges
Direct Effect® Innovation Challenges are a public service of the U.S. Postal Service. For more information on the USPS Academic Outreach program please visit www.directeffectinnovationchallenge.com.
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