02 Jul The 2020 Pensacola Beach Air Show Has Been Canceled
by Katie King |Katie@ewbullock.com
The 2020 Pensacola Beach Air Show Has Been Canceled
July 8-11, 2020
PENSACOLA, Fla. (July 2, 2020) — The 2020 Pensacola Beach Air Show, originally scheduled for July 8-11, has been canceled. The U.S. Navy Blue Angels team informed the Santa Rosa Island Authority of their decision to cancel their performance late Thursday afternoon.
In a statement from the Blue Angels: “After much discussion and consideration regarding the current rise in COVID cases in our hometown, we have come to the conclusion that canceling our flights during the Pensacola Beach Air Show is the only way we can ensure the safety of our community we love so much.
Each year we look forward to the opportunity to fly for our friends, family and neighbors here in Pensacola. This was not an easy decision to make. Unfortunately, we are navigating very uncertain and unpredictable times. We felt this was the necessary decision to make in effort to keep our community safe.”The SRIA looks forward to hosting this popular annual air show event again next year on July 9-10, 2021.
About the Santa Rosa Island AuthorityPensacola Beach is owned by Escambia County, Fla., and is under the direction of the Santa Rosa Island Authority (SRIA). The SRIA was created by the Florida legislature in 1947 under Chapter 24500. The SRIA does not receive tax support from the taxpayers of the county. It is fully funded from lease fees collected from business and residences on the beach. The Island Authority board is made up of six members; five are named by members of the Escambia County Board of Commissioners whose term is the same as the commissioner who appointed them. Registered voters on Pensacola Beach elect the sixth member. The elected member’s term is two years.
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