Shining a Light: Lighthouse Health Plan is celebrating a successful first year of operation.

by Leslie Perino |


Shining a Light


Lighthouse Health Plan is celebrating a successful first year of operation as a doctor-led Medicaid health plan in the Florida Panhandle this month. Recently, EW Bullock was tasked with creating two simultaneous campaigns to help promote Lighthouse:

  1. Create an Open Enrollment campaign in December and January to help Lighthouse target all regional Medicaid recipients — from Pensacola to Tallahassee  — and raise awareness that they have the opportunity to enroll with Lighthouse from December 1 to January 31.
  2. Promote a one-year anniversary celebration and open house to the public that would highlight Lighthouse’s successful first year of operation and its impact on the region’s underserved.

EW Bullock successfully used a combination of public relations, television advertising, social media advertising, print advertising and radio to push Lighthouse’s open enrollment messaging to the public. And to promote the inaugural anniversary, EW Bullock sent out a press release that included statistical analysis from Lighthouse’s first year in service to the community which was picked up by media regionally.

Do you have a special initiative that needs pubic attention? Give us a call and we’ll craft a plan to help you achieve success.


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