06 May APGA Congratulates Pensacola Energy for Operational Excellence
by Katie King |Katie@ewbullock.com
APGA Congratulates Pensacola Energy for Operational Excellence
Washington, DC- (May 6, 2020) – The American Public Gas Association presented Pensacola Energy with the prestigious APGA System Operational Achievement Recognition for excellence in operating its natural gas utility. Pensacola Energy is the City of Pensacola’s natural gas utility serving approximately 44,000 customers throughout Escambia County, Florida.
Public natural gas systems are entrusted by their customers to deliver clean and affordable natural gas through a safe and reliable distribution pipeline system. To accomplish this mission, a forward-thinking natural gas utility constantly strives to improve its operating capabilities, overcome challenges and adapt to its changing environment.
“We are honored to be recognized by the APGA and grateful to our talented team of employees for their dedication and hard work in serving this community,” said Don Suarez, director of Pensacola Energy.
Out of approximately 750 APGA members, Pensacola Energy was selected for SOAR level Gold by its peers on the APGA Operations and Safety Committee. The selection was based on demonstrated excellence in the four areas: system integrity, system improvement, employee safety, and workforce development.
- System integrity refers to the natural gas distribution system performing its overall intended function safely, efficiently and effectively—distributing energy to all customers without being degraded or impaired by its internal or external environment.
- System improvement refers to keeping the natural gas system well maintained and up-to-date through a self-improvement program that includes both an eye on the future through research and development, technology integration and a commitment to system improvement programs.
- Systems that exhibit excellence in employee safety include adopting a safety program that includes policies and procedures for education involvement and accountability for all employees, as well as tracking safety performance.
- Workforce development focuses on creative recruitment, training, education and development practices that provide a return on investment through increased employee loyalty, motivation, safety and productivity.
APGA President and CEO Dave Schryver remarked, “Pensacola Energy was highly rated in all four areas that are required of SOAR. Pensacola Energy consistently demonstrates a commitment to providing natural gas safely and efficiently to all those in their community and as such, serves as a model for all other natural gas utilities in the country. APGA is proud to recognize Pensacola Energy and is confident in their continued success.”
Pensacola Energy was one of 25 SOAR recipients recognized in 2020, joining the 39 previous SOAR award recipients. The system also received a plaque signifying Pensacola Energy’s commitment to and achievement in excellence in operating a natural gas utility system.
APGA is the national association of municipally and publicly‐owned local distribution systems. There are about 1,000 public gas systems serving more than 5 million customers. These public gas utilities are not‐for‐profit retail distribution entities that are owned by, and accountable to, the citizens they serve. They include municipal gas distribution systems, public utility districts, county districts, and other public agencies that have natural gas distribution facilities.
Owned and operated by the City of Pensacola, Pensacola Energy is a clean, green energy provider, supplying residents and businesses in Escambia County (except Pensacola Beach and Century) with earth-friendly, energy-efficient natural gas.
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