06 Apr Naval Aviation Museum Foundation Welcomes New Marketing Director
by Katie King |Katie@ewbullock.com
Naval Aviation Museum Foundation Welcomes New Marketing Director
Pensacola, Fla. – (April 6, 2022) –The Naval Aviation Museum Foundation (NAMF) is excited to announce Carmela Cook as its new Director of Marketing and Public Relations.
Cook is a Pensacola native and graduate of the University of West Florida with a BA in communications focusing on public relations and marketing. In 2021, Cook earned her master’s with a focus in business administration and marketing from Chadron State College.
“We’re excited to have Carmela be a part of our team and know that she was the right choice to lead our organization’s marketing and communication efforts,” said Cindy McCalip, Vice President of NAMF.
Cook’s marketing and PR career started when she interned in marketing and communications for the Council on Aging of West Florida and then worked as a Communications Specialist at Covenant Hospice of Pensacola.
In 2013, Cook began working at Baptist Health Care (BHC) as a public relations specialist -developing press releases and articles, managing social media for BHC, and working with local and national media outlets. In 2016 she was promoted to the Corporate Service Line Marketing Manager at Baptist – leading marketing campaigns and branding strategies for the organization for more than five years.
“I am excited to grow my knowledge and skillsets with the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation, said Cook. “I’m happy to be able to work on promoting the Naval Aviation Museum and the Flight Academy – both of which are such incredible assets for our community.”
Cook has been a member and served on various local boards, committees, and associations over the years, including the Florida Public Relations Association, Baptist Health Care Women’s Board, United Way Marketing Committee, and AAF Pensacola.
In her spare time, Cook enjoys spending time with her family and friends, cooking, volunteering, and being active outdoors.
Media Note: For more information about the National Naval Aviation Museum or Foundation, contact Carmela Cook at (850) 308-8937 or ccook@navalaviationmuseum.org.
About the National Naval Aviation Museum
The National Naval Aviation Museum features nearly 350,000 square feet of displays and is one of the world’s largest aviation museums. Located aboard Pensacola Naval Air Station, the facility boasts more than 150 beautifully restored aircraft representing Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard aviation. Be sure to visit Hangar Bay One, displaying aircraft of the post-WWII era including the presidential helicopter, Marine One. Among the countless things to touch, see and experience are thrilling 3D and HD flight simulators and the new Blue Angels 4D Experience. Don’t miss the drama and power of the new laser-powered Giant Screen digital theater. The Cubi Bar Café offers a unique dining experience, and the Flight Deck Store is the perfect place to find a souvenir that captures the spirit of Naval Aviation. Museum admission is FREE. NAS Pensacola is limited to current Department of Defense (DoD) ID cardholders (active-duty service members, retirees, and their families) and Veterans who possess a Veterans Health Identification Card (VHIC) from the Department of Veterans Affairs that displays the Veteran’s eligibility status. The National Naval Aviation Museum is open daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, visit www.NavalAviationMuseum.org.
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