09 Oct National Naval Aviation Museum Expands Reopening
by Katie King |Katie@ewbullock.com
National Naval Aviation Museum Expands Reopening to Department of Defense (DoD) Identification Cardholders and Their Guests
Phase 2 Reopening October 15 at 10 a.m.
Pensacola, Fla. – (October 9, 2020) – Beginning Thursday, Oct. 15, the National Naval Aviation Museum will expand its reopening to include all Department of Defense (DoD) identification cardholders and Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC) holders with either a service-connected disability or who is a former POW or a recipient of the Purple Heart or Medal of Honor. Museum hours of operation will continue to be Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
“Phase 1 has been very successful and it has been a wonderful sight to see our active-duty personnel and their families enjoying our exhibits, especially in recent weeks where a visit provided a break in the aftermath of Hurricane Sally,” said Museum Director, Capt. Sterling Gilliam, USN (Ret.).
“We are excited to move into Phase 2, which will return us to the visitation parameters that existed before our closure in March due to COVID-19.”
The timeline for the final reopening phase is yet to be determined as the museum awaits a Navy decision on security protocols that allow the public to access NAS Pensacola.
For Phase 2, DoD identification cardholders may bring guests on board as long as they have valid government-issued identification and are traveling in the same vehicle. VHIC holders may sponsor their family for a visit to the museum. However, they must come to the Visitor Control Center (VCC) located adjacent to the main gate of the air station to obtain their credentials.
All visitors must bring their own masks and wear them at all times while inside the museum. As with Phase 1, there are defined paths around the aircraft and some exhibits will remain closed to ensure social distancing. The Naval Aviation Museum Foundation will operate its Giant Screen Theater at reduced capacity and there will be limited refreshments available. The popular Cubi Bar Café will not be open at this time.
For further information, please call 850-452-2894 or visit our website at www.navalaviationmuseum.org.
Media Note: For more information about the National Naval Aviation Museum contact Hill Goodspeed at hill.goodspeed@navy.mil or 850-452-4348
About the National Naval Aviation Museum
The National Naval Aviation Museum features nearly 350,000 square feet of displays and is one of the world’s largest aviation museums. Located aboard Pensacola Naval Air Station, the facility boasts more than 150 beautifully restored aircraft representing Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard aviation, and is one of Florida’s most visited museums. Be sure to visit Hangar Bay One, displaying aircraft of the post-WWII era including presidential helicopter, Marine One. Among the countless things to touch, see and experience are thrilling 3D and HD flight simulators and the new Blue Angels 4D Experience. Don’t miss the drama and power of the laser powered Giant Screen digital theater. The Cubi Bar Café offers a unique dining experience, and the Flight Deck Store is the perfect place to find a souvenir that captures the spirit of Naval Aviation. Museum admission is FREE and open to the public. The National Naval Aviation Museum is open daily from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. For more information, visit www.NavalAviationMuseum.org
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