03 Jan National Flight Academy to Host Girls in STEM Week
by: Katie King | Katie@ewbullock.com
National Flight Academy to Host Girls in STEM Week
Six-Day Deployment Program
August 2 – August 7, 2020
Pensacola, Fla. (January 6, 2020) –The National Flight Academy will host Girls in STEM Week, a six-day deployment program aboard a state-of-the-art virtual aircraft carrier, starting Sunday, Aug. 2 through Friday, Aug. 7, 2020. The rate is $1,250 per student. Registration is now open and closes Wednesday, July 1, at 12 p.m.
The NFA’s Girls in STEM week is being held in conjunction with Women in Aviation International to boost STEM and aviation career awareness in young women. Throughout the week, girls will have the opportunity to interact with special guest speakers including female pilots, aircraft maintenance professionals and more.
Former guest speakers have included members from the U.S. Navy Blue Angels, Women in Aviation International, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, LIFT Academy and Republic Airways among others.
During the weeklong, overnight program, students live aboard the virtual aircraft carrier, USS AMBITION. They work together to plan humanitarian missions with ultramodern, advanced technology, learn to fly in 42 networked flight simulators, eat on a mess deck, sleep in staterooms and receive mission briefings in six fully-electronic ready rooms.
Graduates will receive an NFA t-shirt, Wings of Gold, a graduation certificate and an AMBITION patch.
The National Flight Academy has partnered with Women in Aviation International since 2016 to encourage and provide young women with the opportunity to learn about the many career fields available in the aviation industry.
To view the 2019 Girls in STEM week video, visit https://youtu.be/krABcS6z-Bk.
About the National Flight Academy
The National Flight Academy, located aboard Naval Air Station Pensacola in Pensacola, Florida, is designed to address the serious concerns of declining Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) skills and standards in our country. The Academy’s mission is to inspire students who subsequently return to their parent schools and seek out the more challenging courses in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
The NFA is a self-supporting, tuition-based educational program. We welcome support from individuals, corporations and foundations for both our scholarship program and general operation funds. The National Flight Academy, a program of the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation Inc., is authorized but not endorsed or funded by the U.S. Navy or U.S. Government.
For more information about the National Flight Academy, visit http://www.nationalflightacademy.com or find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Please contact Malerie Cates, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, via email at mshelton@navalaviationmueum.org for more information.
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