L3Harris Technologies Sponsors Brevard County Students to Attend the National Flight Academy in Pensacola

Media Contact:
Katie King
EW Bullock Associates



L3Harris Technologies Sponsors Brevard County Students to Attend the National Flight Academy in Pensacola

The six-day Deployment program focuses on science, technology, engineering and math


Pensacola, Fla. July 30, 2019 – L3Harris Technologies has donated $75k to the National Flight Academy, an aviation-based educational program designed to be fully and intensively immersive, located in Pensacola, Fla. The donation supports 41 Brevard County students who are currently attending a six-day aviation-training event. (For video, click here.)

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The National Flight Academy’s adventure begins on a landlocked, virtual aircraft carrier, AMBITION (CVT-11). Students live aboard for six days in a high-tech virtual world surrounded with the realistic sights, sounds and smells of an aircraft carrier. Students learn skills that are important in today’s world, including critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork and effective communication.

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The sponsored students come from families where either one or both parents are active duty or retired military. L3Harris is the largest Aerospace and Defense Company in Florida and the company headquarters is located in Melbourne, Florida, which is part of Brevard County.

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The newly merged L3Harris has both commercial and military pilot training centers for virtual and live pilot training. The company trains more than 600 commercial pilots each year in the L3Harris Airline Academy located in Sanford, Florida, and thousands of pilots each year in both live and simulated commercial and military pilot training worldwide.

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“It’s more important than ever to expose youth to science, technology, engineering and math training such as the National Flight Academy six-day summer Deployment program,” stated Todd Gautier, president, Aviation Systems at L3Harris Technologies. “This is critical, not just to help grow the next generation of pilots, but to support the development of future engineers. As a former Navy pilot, I’m certain their experiences this week on a simulated aircraft carrier will pique a lifetime of interest in working to solve some of the world’s most complex problems.”

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“We are thankful for the partnership between the NFA and L3Harris Technologies,” said Gen. Duane Thiessen, chief executive officer and president of the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation. “Together we can take a unique approach to offering career readiness, technical and leadership competencies such as critical thinking, problem solving and teamwork in a high-tech aviation-themed environment.”

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About the National Flight Academy

The National Flight Academy, located in Pensacola, Fla., aboard Naval Air Station Pensacola, is designed to address the serious concerns of declining Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) skills and standards in our country. The Academy’s mission is to inspire students who subsequently return to their parent schools and seek out the more challenging courses in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

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The NFA is a self-supporting, tuition-based educational program. We welcome support from individuals, corporations and foundations for general operation funds. For more information about the National Flight Academy, visit http://www.nationalflightacademy.com or find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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About L3Harris Technologies

L3Harris Technologies is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-end solutions that meet customers’ mission-critical needs. The company provides advanced defense and commercial technologies across air, land, sea, space and cyber domains. L3Harris has approximately $17 billion in annual revenue and 50,000 employees, with customers in 130 countries. L3Harris.com.



Please contact Malerie Shelton, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, via email at mshelton@navalaviationmuseum.org for more information.


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